Tips for the Artists in Limbo: Entry One
Ways to Pull Yourself
Out of a
Creative Slump
A true “slump” can make you feel a lot of different emotions. The feeling that you know you need to get the things done, and you know how to get the things done, but the passion or spark has temporarily gone missing somewhere along the way. As we all know, that is a foundational part of being a creative! Without the passion or inspiration, we have a hard time finding the purpose in anything we do. I would argue that the hardest part of pulling yourself out of that slump, is trying to pin point which emotion or combination of emotions you are currently battling. That’s why I think of that as Step One. It’s a great way to break ground and decide how you want to move forward.
Try to slow down your thoughts and give yourself a chance to really think about what exactly you are feeling. Then, move to Step Two-Four.
If you have decided that your slump is most likely due to plain exhaustion or “Burn Out”, then great. Now you know that what you really need is some rest…but, is it that simple?
If you are a busy body and used to stretching your limits with lack of sleep or are not prioritizing sleep, it can be really hard to reign that in and convince yourself that rest is as important as you getting everything done. I particularly struggle with this concept. I often deal with the feeling that there are just not enough hours in the day, and that I MUST be falling behind on something, right?? But, after recently discussing this topic with my Mom after expressing to her how tired and anxious I was at the time, she said to me “how you do expect to get any of that done if you don’t have the energy or battery life to do it at all?”. That really snapped me out of it, and now I literally repeat that question to myself in my head whenever I am caught convincing myself that I’d be fine with minimum sleep this day or that day. Long story short: sleep is extremely important, more important than most creatives want to admit, AND even more important than you completing your to-do list. Just like your phone that you loyally charge every night, show the same loyalty to your own recharge and get some rest.
Okay so maybe the emotion you are feeling is not that you are tired, but that you are just extremely frustrated. Frustrated with your progress, frustrated with your methods, or just in general feeling pretty defeated in your craft.
I don’t know a creator who has not experienced some level of frustration repeatedly. But again, this is another chance for you to slow down and take a moment to be honest with yourself - what exactly is the source of the frustration? The answer “everything” is not really valid in this case, because it is usually always SOMETHING specific. Is it a particular piece you are practicing? Is it an audition that is looming or a recording due soon? A lesson that didn’t go as well as you’d hoped? Whatever it is, just admit that it frustrated you, and, is still bothering you now if it has already happened. Then, let all of those feelings out! I feel so much better once I unload everything I am feeling with a good friend or family member that I know will listen and just be a sounding board for my thoughts. Usually someone that understands my situation at least a little bit. Then, once you’ve admitted what specifically is the source and have verbally expressed it all, now you need to actually do something about it. Find a new way to complete the task that may ease the pressure off of you for the next time and beyond. Alter your methods of preparation, or stretch your timeline for that recording that was due, or the next lesson that you have, etc., so that you feel better prepared and most importantly, relaxed. Then, move to Step Four.
Step Four: Remember the purpose. This is the bottom line - the common denominator in all that we experience and battle in this industry - you have to keep your eye on the prize and remember the purpose of all of this.
It sounds cliche, but it really does help to remember why you are putting yourself through all of this trial and error. It’s for a really, really good reason I can guarantee! You have a passion, a goal or set of goals that you have always wanted for yourself, AND the determination to succeed - you have all of the tools, but that doesn’t come without some highs and lows. Right now you are just at a low, and that’s okay. The important thing is that, instead of wallowing in it, you are taking the necessary steps to help yourself out of it. Also, remembering that this “slump” is temporary, it’s all mental, and can possibly be remedied with one or all of these steps and more. Maybe sign yourself up for an event or conference in your field. Or, make time to grab coffee with a colleague/friend - someone with similar goals and interests and that same passion. You also can look for some new exciting opportunities in your field that you haven’t tried yet or were maybe too scared to look into, to get your creative juices flowing again. It’s up to you!